
My Interests

  • Growing up in Seattle, I am avid outdoorsmen, which has led me to develop the passion of fishing! I ended teaching myself many of the basic skills on YouTube and spent a lot of my pocket money purchasing gear. It is a great activity to relax and have fun in nature.
  • In my free time, I love to practice and train myself in the sport of basketball. Although I ended up liking the sport quite late, I try everyday to improve myself so that I become a an overall better player.
  • When I am at home and usually “drowning in boredom,” I love to grab a book off of my bedroom bookshelf and spend long periods of time devlving in the mystical and adventurous worlds that various storties present to me.
  • As a big tech nerd, I have to say that I really enjoy video games. From the classic Mario Brother games on the Nintendo to massive RPG’s like Assassins Creed on the Xbox/PS4, video games not only provide the opportunity to pass time in a ‘enjoyable’ manner, but also really sparked my passion for technology.

My Goals

  1. Create a healthy diet for myself and pursue an athletic scedcule that will not only improve my health, but also my skill in a vairety of sports and activities.
  2. Become experienced in a multitude of computer programming languages so that I can become accustomed to building a vast array of projects comoposed ofvarious unique pieces.
  3. To be the best self that I can be and to support those around me in any way that I can.
  4. To travel across the globe and enrich my soul with the mixing pot of diverse cultures
  5. To learn more about every subject or field of study to the best of my ability

Career Choice

  • In the future, I wish to pursue a Masters Degree in the Field of Computer Science and Engineering with a possible minor in mathematics or business
  • My passion for creavity and the idea that a simple program or even video game can be built from the tips of my fingertips really fostered this career pathway as I desired to really extend the limits of what I can do and achieve
  • After gaining a signficant amount of experience in the tech field through internships and job opportunities at many large tech companies. I hope to move forward in creating my own unique start-up to further benefit our world, solve global issues and really make certain tasks much more accessible and easier for the general public